英國特許建築工程師協會(CABE) – Constructing our Future Conference & Gala Dinner

我們十分榮幸能參與由英國特許建築工程師協會(CABE)所舉辦的建構未來(Constructing our Future)會議及晚宴。 浚才教育一直致力推動建築及工程業界發展,是次活動能以學術伙伴及贊助人身份推動學會活動,深感榮幸。 如同學們都想了解英國特許建築工程師協會(CABE)更多,歡迎與我們聯絡。

We are honored to participate in the Constructing our Future conference & Gala dinner organized by the Chartered Institute of Building Engineers (CABE). Shinny Performance Training Group (SPT) has always been committed to promoting the development of the construction and engineering industry. It is a great honor to be able to promote the institute’s activities as an academic partner and bronze sponsor. If you want to know more about the Chartered Institute of Building Engineers (CABE), don’t hesitate to contact us.


#CABE #SPT #ConstructingOurFutire #Conference #GalaDinner
